Klumpp Coatings GmbH
Klumpp Coatings was founded in 1919 as family business run by the Klumpp family. We develop and manufacture high-quality, innovative coating systems for application on wood, HDF/MDF, mineral fiber, foil and plastic surfaces (PVC/WPC) for the furniture, paneling and flooring industry. In 2020 Klumpp Coatings has been integrated into SIC HOLDING (Specialized Industrial Coatings), becoming a sister company to Oskar Nolte - World-leader in coatings for thin boards (MDF, Particle Board) and foils (paper, plastics). SIC is family-owned by Hamburg-based PMH Holding. Together we are the global #1 independent (family-owned) coatings company for large-industrial interior housing applications (flooring, furniture) making us market and technology leader.