Peter Mau wins the 2016 FEP Award
This year FEP’s Board has unanimously voted in favour of Peter Mau, the editor in chief and copublisherof Parkett Magazin, a publication of SN-Verlag in Hamburg. The publication’s target audience includes owners and managers of parquet companies, specialist wood shops, floorcovering shops and wholesalers as well as the manufacturers of parquet and laminate floors, as well as fitting materials and equipment.
Parkett Magazin has also created an award, the “Parkett Star”, which is presented each yearat the Domotex trade show in Hanover and which rewards the most innovative ideas formarketing floor coverings, professional training and education programme.
Recognising Peter Mau’s expertise and efforts, the 2016 FEP Award underlines his contributionto our industry.
The FEP believes that his work will continue to benefit both the parquet industry and the public it strives to serve with ever-improved products, backed by substantiated information.